core beers

Appearance: Dark caramel with a malty, off-white head
Aroma: Apricot, caramel, nectar, tones of malty and berry notes
Tasting notes: Complex, multi-faceted taste. Oily, thick mouthfeel. Sweet, fresh honey start, followed by licorice and blackcurrant, substantial bitterness
awards: BRONZE AWARD (imperial/double ipa) - AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL BEER AWARDS, 2019 | silver medal (strong American ale) - London beer competition, 2018 | Best IPA and Best of Show - Hong Kong Beer Championship, 2016

Appearance: Amber, crystal clear, substantial head retention
Aroma: Strawberry and pine, spicy citrus notes
Tasting notes: Crisp, light bodied, hoppy pine notes, citrus with characteristic IPA bitterness

Appearance: Rose gold, crystal clear, fresh white head
Aroma: Intense notes of mango, passionfruit, and pineapple
Tasting notes: Viscous mouthfeel, juicy explosion balanced by a white wine smoothness. Cryo hops create a smooth but complex finish
awards: gold medal (pale ale) - cathay pacific hong kong international wine & spirit competition, 2020 | BRONZE AWARD (AMERICAN STYLE PALE ALE) - AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL BEER AWARDS, 2019 | cHAIRMAN’S SELECTION (PALE ALE) - ASIA BEER CHAMPIONSHIP, 2018 | best session ipa - HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL BEER AWARDS, 2017

appearance: deep rich chocolate brown with a medium creamy tan head
aroma: dark malt, milk chocolate, vanilla
Tasting notes: Sweet milk chocolate, vanilla, and caramel fudge deliciousness
awards: BRONZE AWARD (specialty beer - chocolate) - AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL BEER AWARDS, 2019
limited releases
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Click on the image to see the full label

cask ales
Click on the image to see the tap handle
custom brews
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